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Pierce Day Camp Program for Children Age Nine and Up

Children Age 9 at Pierce Country Day Camp

New Experiences and Awesome Variety for Our Senior Campers!

Pierce’s innovative program for Seniors & Super Seniors allows campers to create an individualized experience! Our choice-based program has an astounding array of specialized sports, arts, & adventure activities. They also participate in SCOPE (Senior Campers Off-Grounds Program Extravaganza) which offers exciting field trips multiple times per summer. Senior & Super athletics offer league play at a whole new level with standings, awards, and team shirts!

  • Choice-based elective scheduling every afternoon
  • SCOPE off-grounds trip program!
  • Extensive arts, sports, and adventure activity options taught by expert Specialists in all areas Pierce offers
  • Enhanced weekly league play with team standings and awards
  • Swimming in our two largest top-of-the-line pools (Junior Olympic-sized Indoor and Senior Pool) equipped with water slides, 1 meter and 3 meter diving boards and reaching depths of over 10 feet
  • Pierce Sharks Swim Team- compete in spirited swim meets
  • The Arts- Seniors & Supers can choose to participate in Pierce Idol & the Talent Show on the big stage!

Sample Schedules: See the FUN we Plan into Every Day

Pierce runs a 10 day schedule cycle, so each day is different for 10 consecutive days! Below is just a sample of what one of those 10 days may look like.

Schedules will also vary based on camp wide special events, rainy days and/or excessive heat days.

    Seniors Typical Day

  • Arrival
  • CHOICE: Tennis or Basketball
  • Indoor Pool (Instructional Swim)
  • Baseball/Soccer Leagues
  • CHOICE: Imagination Station or Archery
  • Lunch
  • Rest Activity(Nok-Hockey)
  • CHOICE: Tennis or Flag Football
    Free Swim, Basketball, Drama, Sports Clinics,
    Arts & Crafts, Think Fast

    Ice Cream
  • Dismissal
Download a PDF of Facilities and Schedules for all Camper Groups

2018 Best of the North Shore WINNER, presented by Blank Slate Media